plan for work 1

i will make a project that can caclculate the amount of money that you have right now, and help people to reach fincial free by tilling them what shold they do with the money that they have already saved through theis programe.

the problem i will have will be: do not know how to code the algorithm for the number and, i will try to slove it with google the math for it and put it in to code.

A1: i have no idea how to make a place that make people put in the number for thire money, at the same time, i have problem with math that are need with the programe that i need. i will google it online, and try to see if there were any typr of code that i can use for the enterable table to come out for the user, and i will also search up for the algorithm

A2:i create a system that can make people save thire money more easily, and also make people beinning happly to do that. The blank in the web page will be filled with cute characters, my main target are weaboos.

plan for work 2

my program are make my weekly schedule.

make an array to make the weekly schedule loopable, then loop it.

can not make a schedule for the second day, because the loop will not work base on the fireast one.


3D printer
3D printer can print third dimension object with many type of materials, even living cells. This technolage for decade in manufacturing indestory and medical indestory to print organs for human body. Some harmful things that might be done with the 3D printer are the print of the weapon, because it is esay to get the tecnolage of 3D printing, people can use it to print wepon, ATM cards, even drugs.
the idea of 3D printing are great, it will make humans teachnolage even more advience and growing faster, but it might be and big hit to the makers because they are no longer need it, and the law to the 3D printers are still not comprehensive.

How dose the 3D printer work

How to keep your PC up and running

The spaceship programe


I used javascript to finish the program, and I use it to make a spaceship(paint) on the computer.

My code is based on the void function of the javascript, it make me able to draw either circle, square or triangle ,so i can use those shapes to draw whatever that I want to draw.


One of the problems that I have during the programing is that i found out it will be very hard to keep the next ship 100% the same as the previous one, since im useing coordinates to decide where should my shapes are go into put at, so the distance are hard to meager the distance in between every shape. I solved this problem by defined every ship that I draw i to its own function, so that way I can make sure every next draw will have the same part that are exactly the same as the previous one that I made.


Another problem that I have is the mouse coordinance; sense you can not see the coordinance of your mouse, it makes it harder to draw the shape that I want to draw at the right place, I solve it by calling out the {mouseX/Y} function in the {void draw} loop, and because the {void draw} will keep draw the number of coordinance and make it overlap on each other, so i “put”(draw) the place that the number generated upon a rectangle that I draw, therefore it won’t overlap on the previous number that the function draw by itself.



this is the algorithm that I create for the project, what this algorithm does is that it draws "ship", you can see there were 21"ship" that I create, 1 is the first variation of the "ship", and 21 is the last one


there are many sub-algorithm in my project, for example, "ship1" and "ship2", ship one is just a block that I draw, and ship two is the expansion of it, the logic behind it is that they are built on each other, "ship2" contain "ship1" in it, then it keeps the pattern like this till the end of the algorithm.



As you can see, the number that represents the XY coordinates in the "rect" function is not number, are x and y. The reason for me to do this is because by putting XY as a number that I can set up every time, can assist me to move any variation of the "ship" to any place that I want without change the outlook of it, which is very helpful for me to organize the complexity of the program. For example, when I what to animate, all I have to do is change a number in the "ship 21" function and not every one of them.

The Maze Project

apprentice level for the maze is making robot move the way that you want, so it is not automatic.

The “forward” block is a way that we do the funtion of system, it basically is the whole function itself, what we do is that we put all the code that we want the program work to into the block, and define the way it works, that way we only have to fix the program in one place instead of putting everything everywhere and fix it everywhere.

A heuristic program, in this case, is a program that can work by itself to solve the problem that we what it to solve, and the problem that we have this time is the maze. what our program does it that every time the object touch the black color, it will turn right and keep going, until it reaches the gray block on the maze.

Blockchian Technology

the article that I choose is called "What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners", it is an introduction to anyone that didn't know much to the Blockchain. In the short term, blockchain is basically a system that involves millions are more computer to work on, every information in the system are public to every computer, and it is unchangeable.

this invention can be a great shock to the economic system and the society, the bank will no longer be needed because everyone can be there own "bank", the corruption will be easier to get rid of, all the information online will be clear for everyone to look at.

Bin Ten and Hex

The idea of binary is that every 1 and 0 is by the power of 2 in the 10 based system, so times each number in binaty by the powers of 2 in thire order and add it all up.

the complexity of codeing can be will organize by the cinvertBinary because it is simple to edit, every time that what to change something with in the program, i only need to change in the the part that define the din to Hex program, and also, i can now call up the funtion itself with in 2 second.

one of the problem that i have during the process of coding BintoTen is that it is hart to organize the code that teacher give us, he did it with he's lougic and it take some time to understand it. I make it out by think back to the idea of howto change from Bit to Ten.


one of the problem that i have during the process of coding BintoHex is that the number can not be change directly, and there are letter that are in the hex nuber system withch make it even more complicated, the way that i solve this problem is by making 2 separate funtion within the code of bin to hex, and make the number after 10 to 15 be shown by the letter that the hex system will use.

scratch experimentation 1

the project that im making is a program that are made to scard people. it work this way, when the button on the middle of screen are clicked, the user will be transform to the second page, at the same time that stratch will be active and play the sound that are loud and scary.


sence the sound that you can found on stratch are not so cool and scary, so i found a way to inserct the resorce that i found on the internet, by use the inserct function with in the adding sound.


one of the abstraction that I use is the create variable, by using variabe, i can decide what voice i want to put on each different scratch with different sound and when do they being turn on and being shount down.

scratch experimentation 2

The program that I'm making is an introduced of a fantasy world that I just create, and the first part of it is some background information to the kingdom that I'm creating. This program is a story base program, there will be a home page right after they read the introduction.


since the picture that I choose does not fit into the display part of the programming tool that I'm using Scratch, therefor I have to change the size of it, and I found out that you can change the size of an image within the Scratch itself, it can assize the picture that I want to use till the image is big enough to fit into the display area.


the list function helps me a lot will I'm trying to make the home page, it allowed me to make the users know what have they watched, and allow me to make the program react the way that I want it to make at the right moment, by assigning the right sprite.

the 100 out of 3 idea

Idea 1 - AR device

It is not just a normal device, it will be a device that can identify each type of person and group them into differen graup that you assian, for example, you look at your friend, the divice scan there faces, till them thire rise, and lable them. you can some edit too, add you own lable, thire name, thire birth day, so it wont be awkward when you meet them.

Idea 2 - Teach you how to farm

this app will help you to farm anything that you want to farm, type the name of the plant that your are planting, the app will show you the best way to farm it, including the amout of water, land, money, and what will you get and when will you get the resoult.

Idea 3 - RTS game

The Real-Time Strategy game is not just a type of game, a good RTS game can train you on both decision making and thinking fast enough to react to the situation that you are facing to, it can also train you to plan ahead witch is a very important life strategy.

Project Coding - Problem/Opportunity


Firest problem that I have will running the programe it that i can't count the scord of the player when they get the candy are are from the sky, sence each candy have different have diffent scort, witch make it even harder fo my program to count each one of them. hard to count them.


The way that I solve the program is by setting up a block that are calld scord, and i put that block with every sprit that are candy, and assian different numbe, also i make a list to make play with high enough scord geting to next stage witch is harder.

Project Coding - Problem/Opportunity-2


The problem that I have during programming is making the fire part about the ship, since the player is controlling the ship to the enemy, and the bullet that I made is a scratch, therefore it will be not enough bullit if players keep on shooting without stopping.


My solution for this problem is that increase the amount of bullit scratch, and make the bullet fly faster in order to make the bullet recover faster, the variable function really helps here because I the player can see how many bullets they have and left to also show their score.

Project Coding - Problem/Opportunity-3


the problem that i have during coding is to make sure evey different enemy strach can appare in different place and it need it to be with n the range that i assign, it will take a very long code for this to work so im trying to found other way to code it.


I solve this problem by find a batter block in stratch that can make the function more easyer to edit and code, by useing the caclution part of the block, i am able to make the right things on the right place more easyly and more accauly

Project Coding - Problem/Opportunity-4


the problem that i have during coding is to make the "bullet", withch is stratch stay on the "ship stratch" to make user looks like they are fireing the bullet form the ship every time.


the why that i solve it is by useing the if then function with the sensior block within stratch, to make sure the "bullet stratch" is right infront of the "ship stratch" so that way it looks realistic.

factorio project- day 1

the progess that we make today is that we get to the beginning of generatetion of electric, we tool some times to understand how the game work, and after we understad it we have ablity to make masive amount of resorces that take us to the next step, which is the water pump for the buner that are need it for the engeing to work,but we only have time to put it down and having it not working and that's it for today.

factorio project- day 2

“Official Factorio Wiki.” Official Factorio Wiki, the problem that I face today is the automation of resource collecting. what makes it hard is the distance between two different resource point and the amount of resource that needs it for the construction. I solve the problem by counting and plant the amount of space and resources to finish the construction. m

factorio project- day 3

“r/Factorio - How to Start on Factorio?” Reddit,
in the third day of the work i decid it to created a high speed transportation for me to move around i gather the resource that i got from the automation and use them to make around 3 to 4 hundred transportation band so i can walk on them and move around quicker.

this is the image of HIGH WAY

what did i do today 2/24/2020

today in class I have finally finished my essay and the graph that I need for the college board and have it be turned in, I have also decided that I want it to do EverFi and Artificial Intelligence as my project choice. here's the graph that proves that I have done to turn in the work.

what did i do today 2/25/2020

i was doing the EverFi and i have got 2 section done in todays class time, i will move on to AI in next class in order to learn someting new, i have reach i will say the app level, since i have only finsh 2 part of it.

what did i do today 2/25/2020

i have finshed the page 75 to 83 of the ap test prep book that are being ask to finsh, and also previewing to next part which is part 8.

AI tic tac toe

part 1

the game was easy, but i think it's too easy to a point that it's just a wast of time.

part 2

in order to make the game looks batter, i add more color to the back ground and details, and also lost the game to test out dose the everyting that i changed worked

part 3

the answer to the question is easy, just do a extria check befor play can go and place the mark, i and an "and" function to every row of the function to make "space" need to be clear befor player can place down any thing.

AI tic tac toe day 2

part 1

i have change the coloer of the background and X and O, so it won't look as dazzling as it was, also i can improve so that the game will show people that they have tie instead of nothing has been show.

part 2

this are the image that i have chouse for the future, in order to replace X and O, i chouse deman and angle, in that way it will looks more like a epic battle then it was (I suppose).

part 3

the change of take win is simple and not at the same time, the code work this way, every time the programe will check the condition on the game board, for example, if the program finds out that there's a space in between two Os, the next move of it will be but the O on that space, it looks like a lot of code because it was mainly to cover all the condition that might happen in the game.

AI tic tac toe day 3

part 1

As you can see, the function will display the text "you won" when you won the match "you lose" when you lose the match "tie" when it's a tie game.

part 2

since you can already see the ++ function, I will not put another picture of it again. And here's the rest board function, what it does it that it makes every space on the game board turn in to "space".

part 3

the function check tie checks the "space" on the board if all the space are filled and no one wins or loses, then the function will be triggered and filled the board with " space".

AI tic tac toe day 4

part 1

the idea of dashboard work this way, it displays the win and losses variable then it divides the win variable to the losses variable to get the win rate.

part 2

the i change the formate of the "I won" and "Computer win" function, now it can execute more then one function when the function is called.

part 3

the idea of this random program is to choose a number in between 8 to 0, and use base on the number, the program will fill the same box that has the same number with an X. repeat until the result come out then resit.

AI tic tac toe day 5

part 1

the problem of the program is that the "O" at the bottom right corner is always there, and it didn't choose other moves.

part 2

I use the same code for "take the win" program, but change the O to the X, in that way, the program will put down the O on the place that player is about to make a line.

part 3

the idea of this random program is to choose a number in between 8 to 0, and use base on the number, the program will fill the same box that has the same number with an X. repeat until the result come out then resit.



I have cange the color of the balls and background in this project which will creat balls that bounce of the wall everytime it his it. and they move forever non stop.


I have change the way the how i name the balls from sighle to single to a group, which will allow me able to do the auto for loop which will be needed in next level.


the idea of making it move at readom speed, i use the readom function in javascript to + or - 10 speed eveytime it hit the "wall"



the 11 ball that are in the box are just keep bouning and never stops, and the some of them will go really fast to a point that it glitch out of the "box", and some of them are always slow.


by making the number of the ball in to an variable, it make passable to create alots of balls without copy and pase all the commin over and over angian.


within different types of eliment form, gas have less density and liquet have higher density, therefor, with the same 200 ball, i use less speed and space on the liquet one( the one on the left) to simulate it.



by changing the amount of ball from number to a Boolean value, make my life easyer, after the change all i have to do is to chage one value to able and dissable an function or change a number.


this is picture of a function that i call "crack" since it seans like somthing that you will seee when you are on crack, is a simple funtion, the color of the ball will change every second well the function still working.


To create the radiation effect, I have adjusted some of the value that is in the previous function, by only making the balls that are in the interlayer change their color to make the balls look like they are glowing, is hard to see from the pictrue, but you can till form the color of the balls.



i have change the size of the ball from set number to random number between 50 to 200, also the persent of blue are nolong set.


the amount of size of the ball is now more random than it used to be since the scale of the ball can now be changed from 50 to 300, also I have added an image for a future addition, which is changing the ball into the image.

UML Design


the picture is an example of UML from:
(UML Class Diagram Tutorial 2017

Private visibility- can't be accessed by any other class or subclass (- sing)

Public visibility- can be accessed by any other class or subclass (+ sing)

Method- operation or functions, allow you to specify any behavioral feature of a cless

Inheritance- child and parent class, child can's setting can be changed by the parent class.

DRY- Don't Repeat Yourself.


I didn't add any other system other than the animal, the UML that you are seeing right now is a basic way to separate the animals by identifying what they eat and give each one of also gives every animal a name, id, age, and their health status like wieght.

Association relationship- singifies a basic communication or interaction

Aggregation relationship- shows a classifier as a part of or subordinate to another classifier. ... Aggregation protects the integrity of an assembly of objects by defining a single point of control, called the aggregate, in the object that represents the assembly.

Abstraction relationship- a dependency relationship that relates two named elements or sets of named elements representing the same concept but at different levels of abstraction or from different viewpoints.

Composition relationship- is a restricted form of Aggregation in which two entities are highly dependent on each other

Multiplicity relationship- defines how many objects participate in a relationship and it is the number of instances of one class related to one instance of the other class.


the UML above is showing the baseic movment that the Lawn mower will do, it comes with a data base that have it's length, width, height, and size of the wheel to calculate the distance it have already go through. all that information is shown in the first part of the UML class. the function of cleaning is base on the calculation that will be made during the processes, which needs the sensor to report the environment around it in order to create a map around for the lawn that it's on.